AXA Global Healthcare

Helping customers lead healthier lives

The Challenge

AXA wanted to find ways to authentically communicate with customers outside of times when they had an insurance-based need – and not only at the obvious points during an annual customer lifecycle or claim requirement.  With too many periods of non communication and not enough engagement around relevant issues that mattered to customers, there was a need to reach out with more purposeful communications. This would keep AXA front of mind on renewal, and add value in between.

Our Approach

A focus on improving health and wellbeing that felt authentic to AXA’s core business offering to customers, was the key to meaningful, increased engagement. We carried out a series of workshops with the senior marketing team, looking at the customer lifecycle in depth, identifying challenges and opportunities to engage. It was important to consider how best to communicate in a way which added genuine value at each stage.   We based engagement around wellness issues, knowing that this mattered to customers and also felt relevant to core business and opening up ongoing dialogue.

A global communications strategy then set out a range of purposeful content, creatively considered to maximise connection – offering the focus to deliver new and more innovative content at appropriate and relevant times, driving deeper customer interaction with the brand, together with the roll out of personalised video for a more one to one approach to each new customer joining AXA.

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